Additional trainings courses


Teaching and learning resources have been put in place for the main courses and this allows us to offer other regulated training courses in fields associated with or dependent on these main training courses
All These trainings are carried out within the framework and approvals of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority(CCAA)


Instructor courses

• Type rating instructor ( TRI) flight deck crews
• Type rating instructor ( TRI) cabin crews
• Approved Examiner Pilot

Dangerous Goods Transportation courses

• Handling, storage and loading staff
• Goods acceptation staff
• Passenger services and personal screening staff
• Flight deck crews and load masters
• Cabin crews and welcome staff

Human Factors and Crew resource management courses (CRM)

• Flight crew, cabin crew, flight dispatchers and all Ops personnel
• Mechanics
• Command CRM for new captain or new Purser
• CRM for instructors
• Human factors and Corporate resource management

Specific training for Flight Deck crews

• Performance Based Navigation ( PBN)

Specific training for cabin crews

• Type rating B 737
• Type rating Q 400
• Type rating MA 60

SMS and Aviation Security courses